duminică, 24 septembrie 2017

Caesars boss Mitch Garber bans/trespass poker pro from WSOP for card counting

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JSTAT explains why blackjack card counters should never show a players card while playing blackjack or face being 86'ed from the Caesars Entertainment empire. Mitch Garber is the bad boy CEO of Baltimore Horseshoe Casino and the World Series of Poker (WSOP). JSTAT cites a blackjack banning by Garber's Baltimore Horseshoe Casino of a professional poker player (Joseph Stiers) who has won over $500,000 at poker tournaments in the last two years for the Caesars Entertainment exclusion. Stiers "crime" was presenting a players club card (Total Rewards) to the pit while using his skills at blackjack. Any experienced card counter worth his salt knows this is suicide for longevity at playing blackjack. We all have made mistakes and Stiers should be allowed to play in the WSOP to put food on the table and earn a living. Maybe a permanent barring from all Caesars properties or a back off from playing blackjack with WSOP participation at the Rio in Las Vegas is in order to resolve this for Stiers. Why be excluded from all Caesars properties for betting with your head, instead of over it? Mitch Garber is a hypocrite for saying poker is a skill in spite of his thugs tossing a blackjack player out of the Horseshoe for using skill. Stiers claims he has a video of him being assaulted by Horseshoe security while being 86'd. This can be a basis for a lawsuit. Maybe his attorney (if he has one) can offer a compromise to drop a possible assault charge in exchange for Stiers WSOP participation. Mitch Garber is CEO of both Caesars Interactive Entertainment (CIE) and Caesars Acquisition Company (CACQ), which owns or operates the World Series of Poker and and land based casinos which includes Planet Hollywood, Bally's Las Vegas, The Cromwell Las Vegas, Quad Las Vegas, Harrah's New Orleans, Horseshoe Baltimore and online gambling sites. They are a subsidiary of Caesars Growth Partners which is a spinoff company of Caesars Entertainment Operating Company (CEOC).

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